Tuning Fork Sound Therapy
Tuning Fork Sound Treatment
Sound effects the body on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Physically - matter is effected by sound. The vibrational frequency travels through the body and through the law of resonance weaker vibrations will vibrate at the same level as stronger ones, this can initiate the muscles to relax and help organs to heal.
Mentally - Research has shown that when listening to a frequency for a few minutes it will alter the range of brainwaves. Relaxing the mind and silence it. The left and right hemispheres of the brain can get balanced through sound.
Emotionally - sound effects the emotions, hence releasing blocked and stack energy from a person. I belief that these emotions are the root of the manifestation of diseases.
Spiritually - these gentle frequencies will higher your emotions of love, compassion, joy and gratitude. This is the path to Universal Love, Source or God.
When listening to the tuning fork sound through the ears, the vibration travels from here to the vagus nerve and then to all the organs and further to the cellular structure down to the atom, were it brings harmony to the whole body mind and spirit.
This is a gentle and beautiful treatment working with 3 different tuning forks, which effects all aspects of a person, restoring you back to whole.
I work with many different tuning forks, unweighted and weighted. I use the Om, Solfeggio Frequency, consisting of 9 forks, Egyptian forks and much more.
The package of 3 treatments consists of a series of 3 different treatments, tailored to your individual needs, in order to provide the most benefit to your personal needs.
I have been working with a trauma removal technique very successfully over the last 3 years.